Tuesday, January 13, 2015



When I was a girl there was a field of these in behind my house. I will always remember the joys of running through them. That moment of innocence that was so long ago. I put sunflowers and roses  on my first husband, and my fathers graves, to remember, a little girl who had a safe and fun childhood and a woman who was gifted 3 lovely children of her own.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Little Red Riding Hood

Link to the treasury:

 I love fairy tales, I have read as many as I can of the original stories. They are the precursor to Scifi and horror, even the Gothic novels of the Victorian era. Frankenstein is about technology out of control, Dracula the repression of women sexuality. Life lessons to children. These stories represent the prototypes of different types of people. Red Riding Hood comes from the Black Forest of Germany. A story used to warn children of the dangers of predators both animal and human kind. that was brought home in Johhny Depps performance of the wolf.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rainy Days

Many times when I need new inspiration I create mood boards. This board was created on a rainy day as a point of inspiration I used "Five Rain Girls" by Vicki Wade as a starting point. I love the feelings of joy and fashion this work has. The primary colors, just like a crayon box, invoke the wonder of simple things of everyday life. Stay tuned for the jewelry piece that Vicki's artwork has inspired, maybe a collection of pieces.

Please visit Vicki's Etsy store to find this piece and her other work.
